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Save Us! New Campaign to Close Live Food Markets

Millions of Turtles Are Brutally Butchered Worldwide in Live (Wet) Food Markets

It took the Covid-19 pandemic to open the world's eyes to the horrors of the live (wet) food markets. Thinking that these markets existed only in China, many people ignored our warning that these markets cause terrible suffering of animals world-wide. Millions of turtles are routinely stacked four and five deep, without food or water and butchered while fully

conscious. We, along with other animal causes, have spent more than 20 years telling the public that:

o Turtles and other animals for sale are treated cruelly and butchered horribly

o The markets exist throughout North America and many foreign countries.

Many diseases have started with humans eating animals - SARS, AIDS, and now, Covid-19. Necropsies on market animals show all are diseased and/or parasitized, though it is illegal to sell such products. Diseases such as E. coli, salmonella and pasturella (all potentially fatal in humans), plus cases of giardia, blood parasites, even one case of malaria were revealed, as well as other diseases transmittable to humans.

The market animals are stressed, frightened and kept in horrible conditions which make their immune systems vulnerable to unleashing diseases that affect humans. Turtles are upside down, in the sun, with no water. It breaks our hearts to see them suffer like this.

Some news outlets are finally beginning to report on this egregious practice. But, we need to spread the word far and wide. You can help! By donating to our "Save Us!" fundraising campaign, we can reach out to legislators and place ads to inform a variety of audiences that this practice must stop. Emphasis on markets in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and other cities throughout the U.S. will be targeted.

Please do not let our precious turtles continue to suffer pain, cruel killing methods and even extinction.

You can help by donating at GoFundMe Charity -

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